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What you need to know before, during and after extraction

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth to emerge in the mouth.

They generally appear between the ages of 17 and 25. Their extraction is a common procedure. However, it is important to define and understand the reasons for this procedure. It is also important to know what precautions to take before, during and after the procedure.


Why should wisdom teeth be extracted or removed?


Wisdom teeth can cause a number of dental problems if they do not grow in properly or if there is a lack of space in the mouth. Common reasons for wisdom teeth removal include:


      • Pain: partially impacted or fully impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, gum inflammation and infection.


      • Cavities: because of their position at the back of the mouth, wisdom teeth are often difficult to clean. This makes them more susceptible to decay and infection.

        Alignment problems: wisdom teeth can exert pressure on adjacent teeth, causing displacement and misalignment.

      • Cysts or tumours: in rare cases, wisdom teeth can cause cysts or tumours to form. These can damage the surrounding bone structures.



    When should wisdom teeth be extracted?

    The decision to extract wisdom teeth depends on various factors, such as the space available in the mouth, the growth angle of the teeth and the presence of symptoms or complications. Your dentist will assess your dental situation and recommend extraction if necessary.

    At what age should wisdom teeth be extracted?

    The optimum time to extract wisdom teeth varies from person to person. In some cases, it is preferable to extract them at an earlier age, before they cause problems. In other cases, extraction may be recommended when symptoms or complications arise. Your dentist or oral surgeon will assess your specific situation and recommend the most appropriate time for extraction.

    Is it absolutely necessary to extract or remove wisdom teeth?

    Not all wisdom teeth need to be systematically extracted. In some cases, wisdom teeth are well aligned and have enough room to grow. They do not therefore cause any dental problems, and it is possible to keep them. However, regular check-ups with your dentist are necessary to monitor their progress and detect any potential problems.

    At what age do wisdom teeth start to grow in?

    Wisdom teeth generally start to erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. However, the timing can vary from person to person. Some people may experience the eruption of wisdom teeth as early as adolescence, while others may not see them clearly until later.

    When should I consider keeping my wisdom teeth?

    In certain situations, it is possible to keep wisdom teeth if they are growing properly, are well aligned and are not causing any dental problems. Your dentist will assess the condition of your wisdom teeth and recommend the best treatment plan.


    What are the risks of not extracting wisdom teeth?

    Failure to extract wisdom teeth can lead to a variety of dental problems. These include pain, infection, decay, misalignment and the formation of cysts or tumours. It is essential to see your dentist regularly to assess the need for extraction and avoid potential complications.

    When do I need to have my wisdom teeth extracted?

    The best way to find out if you need to have your wisdom teeth extracted is to consult your dentist. During a dental examination, your dentist will assess the condition of your wisdom teeth and take x-rays. Afterwards, he or she will make appropriate recommendations based on your dental situation.

    What are the risks if my wisdom teeth are not extracted?

    If wisdom teeth are not extracted when required, you may experience pain, gum inflammation, infection, headaches, chewing problems and jaw pain.

    What are the symptoms of erupting wisdom teeth?

    The eruption of wisdom teeth can be accompanied by various symptoms, such as pain, a feeling of pressure in the jaw, inflammation of the gums, difficulty in opening the mouth completely and slight swelling of the cheeks.

    What pain can be expected during the extraction of wisdom teeth?

    Wisdom teeth extraction is carried out under local anaesthetic. This means that you will feel no pain during the procedure. However, a slight sensation of pressure may be felt. Your dentist will prescribe painkillers to manage any post-operative pain.

    We recommend that the extraction be carried out under conscious sedation, so that you can face the procedure in a relaxed and stress-free manner, and at the same time reduce the post-operative after-effects.

    What pain can be expected after wisdom teeth extraction?

    After wisdom teeth extraction, it is normal to feel some pain, swelling of the cheeks and possibly slight bleeding. Your dentist will give you specific instructions on how to manage these symptoms and will prescribe painkillers if necessary.

    Dry socket: A complication caused by tooth extraction

    Alveolitis is a possible complication following the extraction of wisdom teeth. It occurs when the blood clot that forms in the extraction cavity dissolves prematurely or is dislodged. This exposes the nerves and bone to air and food. This can cause intense pain and requires further treatment by your dentist.

    What is the difference between having wisdom teeth extracted by a dentist and an oral surgeon?

    A wisdom teeth extraction can be carried out by a general dentist or an oral surgeon. The difference lies mainly in the degree of complexity of the cases treated. An oral surgeon specialises in more complex surgical procedures and may be recommended if your case presents additional complications.


    What should I do if my teeth have cropped before I have my wisdom teeth extracted?


    If your wisdom teeth are partially erupted and have already caused damage to adjacent teeth, your dentist will assess the situation. He or she will recommend the best treatment options for correcting existing dental problems.

    Are there any risks to other teeth if wisdom teeth are not extracted?


    Yes, not extracting wisdom teeth can lead to additional dental problems. Root resorption is one possible problem, where adjacent teeth may experience root degradation or reduction due to the pressure exerted by the wisdom teeth.

    How much does it cost to have all four wisdom teeth extracted by a dentist?


    The cost of extracting the four wisdom teeth can vary depending on various factors, such as geographical location, the degree of complexity of the case and the dentist’s specific fees. We recommend that you consult your dentist to obtain a precise estimate.

    How much does it cost to have four wisdom teeth extracted by an oral surgeon?

    An oral surgeon’s fee for the removal of the four wisdom teeth may be higher than that of a general dentist due to their specialisation. The exact cost will depend on individual factors and the surgeon’s specific fees.

    Can I be put to sleep or have a general anaesthetic for my wisdom teeth extraction?


    For wisdom teeth extractions, a local anaesthetic is usually used. This means that you will be fully conscious during the procedure. However, in some complex cases or if you are experiencing high levels of anxiety, conscious sedation may be considered. You should discuss your options with your dentist or oral surgeon.

    Where are wisdom teeth removed?

    Most wisdom teeth extractions can be performed in the dentist’s or oral surgeon’s office. However, in certain complex cases, or if a general anaesthetic is required, the operation can be carried out in a hospital.

    What is the age limit for wisdom teeth?


    Wisdom teeth can potentially grow in well into old age, although it is more common for them to appear in young adults. There is no fixed age limit for the eruption of wisdom teeth.

    Is it possible for my wisdom teeth to come out at the age of 40?


    Wisdom teeth may appear at the age of 40 or even later. Everyone is different, and wisdom teeth can erupt at any adult age. If you are experiencing symptoms or dental problems related to wisdom teeth, it is recommended that you see your dentist for an assessment.

    How many visits are required to extract wisdom teeth?


    The number of visits required for wisdom teeth extraction will depend on your dental condition. In most cases, a single visit is sufficient for wisdom teeth extraction. However, some more complex cases may require additional visits for preparation and post-operative follow-up.

    How do you reduce pain?


    To reduce pain after wisdom teeth extraction, your dentist will prescribe appropriate painkillers. It is important to follow the instructions given, to take the medication as directed and not to neglect follow-up appointments for effective pain management.

    I’m afraid of needles and I’m very anxious at the dentist’s. What should I do for the extraction of my wisdom teeth?


    If you have a fear of needles and are anxious about going to the dentist, it is essential to communicate these concerns to your dentist. They can suggest ways of managing your anxiety. They may use an anxiolytic before the procedure or relaxation techniques. Talk openly to your dentist about your fears so that they can help you feel more comfortable during the extraction.

    What can I do to stop my wisdom teeth bleeding?


    After wisdom teeth extraction, it is normal to experience some light bleeding. To stop the bleeding, you can place a sterile gauze pad over the extraction area and apply gentle pressure for about 30 minutes. If bleeding persists, it is advisable to contact your dentist.


    Can I smoke following the extraction of my wisdom teeth?


    It is strongly recommended that you avoid smoking after wisdom teeth extraction. This can compromise healing and increase the risk of infection. Cigarette smoke can irritate the gums and delay the healing process. It is best to stop smoking for a period of time to promote optimal recovery.

    How long does it take to recover from wisdom teeth extraction?


    The length of recovery time after wisdom teeth extraction varies from person to person, but in general you should allow several days to a week for full recovery. During this period, it is important to follow your dentist’s instructions, maintain good oral hygiene and take the prescribed medication to reduce discomfort and promote healing.

    How can I reduce my swollen cheeks after the extraction of my wisdom teeth?


    After wisdom teeth extraction, it is common to experience swelling of the cheeks. To reduce swelling, you can apply ice or cold compresses to the swollen areas for the first 24 hours. Be sure to protect your skin by wrapping the ice in a clean towel before applying it.

    Are there any complications following the extraction of my wisdom teeth? What are they?


    Although wisdom teeth extraction is a common procedure, there are possible complications. One possible complication is alveolitis, also known as “dry socket”. This occurs when the blood clot that forms in the extraction socket dissolves prematurely or is dislodged, exposing nerves and bone to air and food. This condition can be painful and requires further treatment by your dentist.

    How do I eat after my extractions?


    After your wisdom teeth have been extracted, it is important to follow an appropriate diet to promote healing and avoid any irritation of the extraction sites. The foods to eat depend on the nature of the extraction and the healing phase. Here is some general advice:

    Foods to eat after minor surgery


      • The first 24 hours: opt for a rather liquid diet to avoid disturbing the extraction sites.

      • During the first week: opt for a rather soft diet that requires little chewing. Eat soups, purées, yoghurts, smoothies, etc. . Avoid foods containing small grains or seeds.

    Foods to eat after a transplant or major surgery


      • The first 48 hours: opt for a rather liquid diet to minimise irritation and promote healing.

      • During the first week: opt for a softer but more varied diet, including foods such as scrambled eggs, cooked pasta, cooked fish, cooked vegetables, etc. Avoid foods containing small grains or seeds.

      • Second week: you can gradually return to a diet that requires almost normal chewing. However, choose lighter foods and avoid hard or sticky foods that could disrupt the healing process.

    What are the tips for a normal extraction?


    For a normal wisdom tooth extraction, general advice includes:


      • Follow your dentist’s post-operative instructions, including medication, rest and appropriate oral hygiene.

      • Avoid rinsing your mouth vigorously or spitting for the first 24 hours to preserve the blood clot in the extraction sites.

      • Avoid hot, hard or spicy foods that could irritate the extraction sites.

      • Avoid strenuous physical activity for a few days to allow adequate recovery.

    Surgical dental extractions


    For more complex surgical tooth extractions, it is important to follow the specific advice of your dentist or oral surgeon for optimal recovery. This may include additional recommendations regarding medication, diet, oral hygiene and follow-up visits.


    By following your dentist’s advice and taking the necessary precautions before, during and after wisdom teeth extraction, you can minimise potential complications. You will also promote a faster recovery and preserve your long-term oral health.


    If you have any further questions or would like to make an appointment to have your wisdom teeth extracted, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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